Ecostep Youth

Ecostep Youth Project Consortium:

ATELIER D'éco SOLIDAIRE - Coordinator (France)

Our creative reuse centre in Bordeaux, ATELIER D'éco SOLIDAIRE, has been striving for the past 7 years to bring answers to those questions. Since 2010, the organisation has played an active role in the field of social innovation and ecological transition, by promoting the reuse of waste materials, objects and furniture originating from individuals or companies. Through the work of staff, volunteers of all ages and interns from all academic backgrounds, it encourages creative thinking and a return to common sense.

ATELIER D'éco SOLIDAIRE is a centre for recovery, a place for creative upcycling and resale and a centre for environmental education, allowing constraints to be turned into opportunities. The reuse centre actively participates in local job creation, helping to revitalize craft trades, sharing artistic and citizens' projects, getting men and women to work together towards a positive and sustainable goal. Centres like ours have been successfully developped all over France for their social and environemental utility. They have found a unique twist here in Bordeaux : creative work through upcycling has allowed awareness to be raised about the benefits of giving unwanted goods a new lease of life and adopting smarter and more sustainable consumption habits among a wider target audience.

Atelier D'éco Solidaire is a social innovation with the potential to create jobs that cannot be relocated, helping to shape thinking, nudging and inspiring people from all walks of life to feel concerned about the planet's future through their consumption choices. In France, 10 000 tons of waste generates 550 jobs in the reuse sector, versus 31 jobs in public recycling centres, 3 jobs in incineration and only 1 landfill.





Consultancy in innovation and in European projects (design, budgeting, partner search, implementation). PASSEPORT EUROPE is focusing on qualitative aspects and is also specialized in technical support for reporting, financial management and valorization activities. PE has developed a relevant network especially in health, sanitary and social field but also in training and education mainly for innovative methods and systems.

EU project management, valorization and evaluation activities – training sessions about project designing, European strategy, European funding and coaching of EU project managers – Expertise : Medico-social field, environment, ICT – Programs : Education and training ERASMUS+, DAPHNE, INTERREG, LEADER and regional funding FEDER FSE.



Fundació Privada Trinijove began its activity in training and socio-labour areas, with people in social risk, in the year 1985. We count with a staff of 109 people working in different projects.

During this time we have been working in an active way to improve new measures and projects, with the purpose of overcoming the situations of social exclusion. The main guide-lines of our original action are:

To offer services and resources for free.
To intervene from a global vision, combining occupational information, training for occupation and skills for people in risk of exclusion, promotion and free-time. To give priority to local actions and then be open to people affected by unemployment and social exclusion, coming from the rest of the city. To begin other projects in Catalan, Spanish and European networks which become effective with the management of European programs such as Horizon, Integra and Equal and Progress. The scope of our work is at a regional and territorial work due that we work for the needs of the territory and the people of the territory.

We work the transnational projects with different country partners and with different European Projects we have developed and participate in.



Community Reuse Network Company Limited by Guarantee (Ireland)

Community Reuse Network Ireland is the all-Ireland representative body for community based reuse and waste prevention organisations. The network comprises 15 reuse organisations handling approx. 49,000 tonnes materials per year of which over 32,000 tonnes is reused.

As CRNI is the only reuse network operating within Ireland, it has, along with its members, the potential to play a unique and valuable role in the development of resource efficiency and circular economy initiatives at both local and international levels. The network is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the National Waste Prevention Programme and, to a small extent, by membership fees and project funding.

As CRNI works primarily with social enterprise organisations, a key function of the network is to communicate the importance of the reuse sector in creating employment within a community and its role in providing training and work skills. CRNI members help to prevent the marginalisation of unemployed people and so enhance the wellbeing of both individuals and communities.



InterMediaKT – Interactive Media Knowledge Transfer (Greece)

The Interactive Media Knowledge Transfer (InterMediaKT) is a non-profit organization working as a broker for vocational education, training and innovation. We aim at supporting, inspiring and empowering actions of evolving business and entrepreneurship. Located in Patras, Greece, we provide an effective promotion of knowledge and vocational training through e-learning activities. What is more we are looking to expand our network of activities and partners on both a national and international level, believing in and pursuing exchange of knowledge, experience and know-how, along with the empowerment of a “citizen of the world” profile for EU citizens.

The direct aims of InterMediaKT include:

supporting youth entrepreneurship & youth workers, an effective promotion of knowledge, vocational and adult training through e-learning activities, promoting science and advanced technologies as a tool for becoming better citizens and more competitive professionals, support of local development through releasing the potential of alternative tourism, strengthening social cohesion by taking care to consider equality of genres, nationalities and groups, as well as encouraging professional participation whilst offering employment training programs for vulnerable groups.




Association AL IKRAM

Association Al Ikram is a non-profit organization based in Casablanca, Morocco. It has been created in 1996. Our mission is to work for disadvantaged people through social, economic and professional inclusion:

Education program Technical trainings Soft skills Social and psycho –social follow up

One of our projects for professional inclusion is called Ressourc’In. this program has been developed by Al Ikram, and now, became the first social enterprise for inclusion in Morocco: We do:

Waste collection: Plastic bottles, Plastic (HDPE/PP) Papers Packaging Recycling/ upcycling: we have 2 workshops, weaving and design plastic, and we create designed furnitures, lamps, bags, fashion accessories, wallets… out of the wastes. Inclusion of disadvantaged young people and women: 15 people are now working at Ressourc’In. The brand to commercialize the products is called KOUN.





The Rediscovery Centre - (Associate Partner)

The Rediscovery Centre is a creative space connecting people, ideas and resources. We bring together the skills and expertise of artists, scientists, designers and craftsmen united in a common purpose of sustainability through resource efficiency and reuse. The Rediscovery Centre supports the development of the circular economy and advocates for a more resilient, equitable society. As a social enterprise founded in 2004 and dedicated to providing community employment and training via innovative reuse enterprises we have, over the last twelve years, become a leading example in the field of innovative resource efficiency and waste prevention. Training courses, education and communication activities highlight the benefits of environmental protection and effective resource management encouraging everyone to rediscover the value and understand the fragility of the rich resources present in the world around us.

What we do

The Centre has four reuse social enterprises Rediscover Furniture, Rediscover Fashion, Rediscover Paint and Rediscover Cycling. These enterprises use waste and unwanted materials as a resource and raw material for new product design. Our community training programmes providing skills development and job opportunities for local long-term unemployed people and those distanced from the workplace. Products from creative activity are sold and profit generated is reinvested to run the programmes.

Our Objectives

The Rediscovery Centre's mission statement is to lead change from waste to resource through reuse, redesign, research and education.

Supporting this mission key objectives are to: • Divert waste from landfill. • Provide community employment and training. • Inspire sustainable living. In order to achieve these objectives the Rediscovery Centre: • Develops social enterprises which use waste and unwanted materials as a resource and raw material for new product design which demonstrate best practice reuse. • Designs operational activities and processes which present valuable workplace training and skills development opportunities for staff, trainees, graduates, volunteers and the local community. • Facilitates education & research programmes that promote waste prevention, minimisation and reuse with the local community, partnering educational institutions and corporate clients. • Advocates for the circular economy.




ReCreate - (Associate Partners)

Who We Are

ReCreate is a social enterprise making art materials and educational supplies accessible and affordable to every sector of the community for all kinds of creative purposes. At ReCreate, we are inspiring tomorrow’s inventors, engineers, and entrepreneurs by making unique and unusual open ended materials freely available at a fraction of the price of high street art shops.

We work with local and national businesses to collect unwanted and surplus items, for use in early childhood education, schools, colleges, special needs groups & community centres, and by individuals for art, craft, theatre and creative projects of all kinds. This helps local businesses produce less waste, helps our schools and communities to stretch their budgets and their imagination, and helps the environment by reducing waste and our carbon footprint.

Our Warehouse of Wonders is located on Ballymount Drive, just off the Long Mile Road and the M50. It is accessible by car or bus. Our dedicated team will be happy to show you around, advise you on products and projects and help you get the most from your membership.

What We Do

We source end of line, remaindered, surplus and unwanted materials and items with potential from local businesses. We supply these as Arts and Crafts materials and Educational Play resources for Creative Groups groups working with children, young people, the active retired and others. We also cater for Artists and Craftspeople, Art teachers and Creative facilitators, Community artists, students, hobbyists and anyone interested in creative expression or with a love for make and do. We have a huge range of versatile, fun and safe materials including (but not only) cardboard & paper – all types & sizes, fabric & textiles, boxes, pots, bottles, foam & rubber, tubing and piping, bits, bobs, buttons and all manner of weird and wonderful colours, textures and shapes to inspire you.

Materials are imaginatively displayed in manageable quantities in the ReCreate store and we positively encourage foraging and browsing through the stores. We even have shopping trolleys available! We are passionate about bringing more play and creativity into people’s lives and we believe everyone should have access to high quality, affordable creative resources.

Because all our stock is donated or diverted from the waste process to be recreated by our members, we are making a positive impact both on our environment and on our creative community’s resource bank.

We’re aiming to re-distribute around 300 tonnes a year of materials for creative re-use.

How We Do It

ReCreate is a not for profit membership organisation which anyone can join. Membership gives you unlimited access to our “Warehouse of Wonders”. We have a creative workshop in house should you be overwhelmed by a desire to create on the spot or you can hire it out for any kind of inventive and imaginative events, Community or individual projects, children’s parties or corporate outings with a creative twist.

Our Warehouse of Wonder is chock full of inspiration right now so come visit us and see what you could recreate. We source and collect our stock (or treasure as we like to call it) from all over Ireland for free so if you are a business owner with a surplus of unused, unwanted and unloved items with potential get in touch with us. Let us help you reduce your waste bills, while helping the environment and our Arts Community. We can arrange collections on an ad hoc or on-going basis. Website: Facebook:



Foro Técnico de Formación (FTF)

Since 1999, FTF has been developing training courses in the field of social/health services addressed to employee of public, private and non-profit organisations. The main aim is to provide technical and pedagogical training path solutions in support of the professional development of the operators, according to the characteristics of the services provided by the institution/organisations they work in and the final beneficiaries' needs: elderly, disabled people, persons with chronic diseases or mental health problems, etc. FTF provides consulting activities on specific technical issues in the field of social services: ethics in health care assistance, how to optimize resource management within organizations, to reduce sick leave in professionals etc.

FTF carries out also studies and researches in order to develop always innovative training solutions for its clients generally presented during specific events as conferences, seminars and technical presentations.

FTF company's philosophy is the professionalization of the social services sector through the continuing vocational training. To achieve this goal, FTF can count on an excellent team of expert teachers, effective management and administrative staff, and innovative methodology of work to identify training needs and propose appropriate training solutions.

Since 1999 FTF has experienced as a trainer and manager of company credits FTFE (Tripartite Foundation for Training and Employment) throughout the national territory, delivering training courses for both national employers and regional operators. FTF refers to the quality system ISO 9001: 2008 and EN 66181 Quality Management of virtual training FORUM.

FTF has strong experience in the certification of professional qualifications since, according to the DEPENDENCE CARE NATIONAL SYSTEM; from 2015 all companies need to have their workers certified as caregivers. FTF is accredited by the Public State Employment Service for the following certifications: No. census: 26829 SSCS0208 Social healthcares for dependent people care at institution; No. census: 27565 SSSCS0108: Social healthcare for dependent people care at home. Virtual Classroom accredited by the Public State Employment Service for the following professional certifications: SSCS0208 Social healthcare for dependent people care at institution; No. 80/00000026. The centre is authorized by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid for the certification course ADDRESS SERVICE CENTERS and TERM CARE, recognized as a university course by the Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Univ. Complutense).

FTF actively participates at the Commission of Training of ACOFESAL (Association of consultants and trainers in Spain on food security) and in the group of European relations of ANCCP (National Association of Professional Certification Centers). In addition, FTF participates with 4 members at 4 subcommittees of AENOR UNE 158 Services for the promotion of personal autonomy and for people in situations of dependency.





