What could 22 young people, from five countries be doing for 7 days in Bordeaux? Well, we gathered for the EcoStep Youth project!
Days of workshops and discussions made their way through the classroom of Atelier déco Solidaire. The great creative powers of the youth ambassadors, our attentiveness and the intercultural setting, resulted in our major works of art and the masterpiece (or so we wish to think!) Please do not judge us, they were made with real affection!
A full week of working in a creative re-use center, a visit to the local food bank, Banque Alimentaire de Bordeaux et de la Gironde which is a large family, including among others 180+ volunteers (!), plus an acquaintance with Relais, a clothes selection center, were intriguing enough, for us reflect on topics of waste prevention and green development. Just as the mirror effect of Miroir d’eau!
Then more people joined our company, and while we were having fun, they were planning the next essential steps of this project. Design contests, a web-documentary and participatory activities are only some of them.
And while we are now sitting back, enjoying a glass of that excessive Chardonnay blanc, we bought there, and contemplating what we learnt, you stay tuned, there is a lot more coming by EcoStep Youth project!
Training Course Duration: October 30th November 5th, 2017 - Event Place: Bordeaux - France