Participatory Workshops
Spain – Trinijove Foundation
“Katrina” is the name of the work created by one of the young people who attend the Centre d’Art Social Comunitari of the Trinijove Foundation.
The work, uses as a raw material a plastic water bottle whose transformation has resulted in a skull that emulates the traditional skulls of the “Día de los Muertos” in Mexico.
These photos are a small sample of the work that young people have done to build with industrial wood pallets, a small urban garden on the terrace of the public library in the neighborhood of Trinitat Vella in Barcelona.
Currently the garden is used by neighborhood residents who enjoy planting seasonal vegetables and aromatic plants.
In the textile creation workshop, milk bricks have been given a second life by creating beautiful and resistent portfolios and clutch bags.
Ireland - ReDiscovery Center, CRNI, ReCreate First Participatory Workshop - 22nd May
A participatory workshop was held as part of a major awards event (ECOUNESCO’s “Young Environmentalist Awards”) for schools, involving youth teams from across the country and covering a broad range of age groups developing environmental projects.
The workshop was held by the Rediscovery Centre, whose ambassadors worked with ECOUNESCO youth teams on the design contest. It involved engaging students to make brooches using a variety of materials including CDs, buttons, fabric and other items. A video of the workshop was produced and is available on Youtube.
Over 600 youth attended the event as shown below, but the number engaging in the workshop could not be easily tallied due to the scale of the throughput. Impressions of the event were shared via the ECOStep evaluation feedback forms.
Second Participatory Workshop – 20th October
The second participatory workshop was held as part of National Reuse Month in the new premises of the creative reuse center Recreate. Recreate is a social enterprise making art materials and educational supplies affordable and accessible to every sector of the community for all kinds of creative purposes. It took place on the 20th October and included free workshops and tours of the space.
The in-house creative director, Deirdre Rogers was facilitating the 3 x workshops including making an autumnal wreath (for older members), a primary school stitch & sew workshop for classroom professionals and a family friendly Halloween workshop making masks and costumes. This involved using excess and unwanted materials from industry that were selected by participants from the centre. Altogether 53 persons participated. Images of the workshops are provided below:
Morocco – Association Al Ikram,Ressourc’In
1st Participatory workshop – 19 of September 2018
It has been organized at Ressourc’In project center; targeting students of the University Hassan II of Ben Msik and organized with the responsible of the Master Social Economy and the association INCO.
The program was:
– Visit of the 3 recycling workshops: recycled paper, recycled plastic and weaving
– Workshop and discussion around the toolkit of sensitization around WASTE PREVENTION
First page of the toolkit sensitization about WASTE PREVENTION. See in annex the all document.
A positive impact of their visit is that they decided to organize collect of waste in their University and that our project Ressourc’In will collect them once a month. After the visit of the workshops, the students discussed about waste prevention and waste management in Morocco, thanks to our sensitization tool. We focused on a particular matter in Casablanca, an uncontrolled landfill site, where they are many issues on pollution and social negative impact on informal people working there. They were particularly astonished to learn about how people are treated there and what can be negative impacts – both environmental and social- of their wastes.
2nd Participatory Workshop – 6th and 7th of October 2018
“Le Chant des Colibris » is a French event organized by the association Les Colibris. It has been organized in Casablanca by the French Institute of Casablanca, with local organizations, in order to raise awareness among a large public, about Climate change.
Al Ikram had a stand during these 2 days, in order to present the project Ressourc’In, its products branded “KOUN”, and ECOSTEP Youth project towards a large public. We were part of the “Towards a Zero waste Planet” zone.
Presentation of the event on Facebook and the link Le chant des Colibris Maroc.